
Amazon aws dynamodb client
Amazon aws dynamodb client

Requests that contain empty values will be rejected with a ValidationException. Attribute values must not be null string and binary type attributes must have lengths greater than zero and set type attributes must not be empty. Each entry in this map consists of an attribute name and an attribute value. The item to be put is identified by an Item subelement: Item - A map of attributes and their values. PutRequest - Perform a PutItem operation on the specified item. The item to be deleted is identified by a Key subelement: Key - A map of primary key attribute values that uniquely identify the item. Each element in the map consists of the following: DeleteRequest - Perform a DeleteItem operation on the specified item. :request_items - required - (Hash) A map of one or more table names and, for each table, a list of operations to be performed (DeleteRequest or PutRequest).If set to true, then a strongly consistent read is used otherwise, an eventually consistent read is used. :consistent_read - (Boolean) Represents the consistency of a read operation.If any of the specified attributes are not found, they will not appear in the result. If no attribute names are specified then all attributes will be returned. :attributes_to_get - (ArrayThe value can be String, Number, StringSet, NumberSet. :range_key_element - (Hash) A range key element is treated as a secondary key (used in conjunction with the primary key), and can be a string or a number, and is only used for hash-and-range primary keys.:bs - (Array:ns - (Array:ss - (Array:b - (String) Represents a Binary data type.:n - (String) Represents a Number data type.:s - (String) Represents a String data type.Single attribute primary keys have one index value.

amazon aws dynamodb client

:hash_key_element - required - (Hash) A hash key element is treated as the primary key, and can be a string or a number.:keys - required - (ArrayConsistentRead - If true, a strongly consistent read is used if false (the default), an eventually consistent read is used. If a specified attribute is not found, it does not appear in the result. AttributesToGet - One or more attributes to be retrieved from the table or index. Each element in the map consists of the following: Keys - An array of primary key attribute values that define specific items in the table. Each table name can be invoked only once. :request_items - required - (Hash) A map of one or more table names and, for each table, the corresponding primary keys for the items to retrieve.

Amazon aws dynamodb client